HomeRecipesHam Salad Sandwich Spread


Ham Salad Sandwich Spread — 44 Comments

  1. I make packed lunches every day for my family and often wrap sandwiches still in greaseproof paper. It really adds something special to lunch! Great ham salad recipe, I’ll have to try this out on my family!

  2. We used to have ham salad when I was a kid. I forgot how easy it was to make. Plus, it’s so delicious! Making this for lunch this week!

    • Pam, That was my reason for sharing this recipe … ham salad was fairly common when I was growing up and yet I don’t hear or see it much these days. It’s truly too good to loose!

    • oh Marissa, you can run thru a fast food joint and get something to put in your mouth, right … but this is so pretty, tasty and for me, memory full, it’s worlds better! You’re welcome.

    • Your kids would have fun putting these sandwiches together! and making the sandwich on crackers, kids think that’s better than sandwiches because you’re cheating w/ the bread!

  3. Homemade is always best and while it can be convenient to just buy a pre-made sandwich in the store – it is often preferable to make it at home. Great for using left-over ham! YUM!

  4. I’m a sucker for that sweet relish. I almost always add that to my sandwich fixings. Have you tried it in tuna salad? So good! We very often eat dinner like this on hot and humid days as well. It sure beats turning on the oven. 🙂

    • Byron, you are a man after my own heart! Hot summer days = snacky type foods for supper. And yes, the sweet relish on tuna salad … ok, I know what my next blog post is going to be!!

  5. I think this would be awesome with some leftover Ham, which there is always plenty of in my house because I don’t know how to buy small. I always love that you can customize salad sandwiches to your own personal preference, especially since I prefer dill relish and this recipe would still be awesome!

    • “because who can buy a small ham”!! LOL that’s so me! The dill relish is great in this … I just found some dill relish that I like … so will be mixing it up for a while.

  6. You have me getting ready for warm summer days and can’t wait for them to come soon enough. Recipes like these are so much fun to make during summer breaks when we spend tons of time outside enjoying the weather and no one to cook.

  7. I love this!!! I am a big believer that simple meals made with love are the best things to eat 🙂 Your Grandma sounds a lot like mine so this recipe is the kind I grew up with too. And this is a perfect recipe to keep in mind since I know I will be having a ton of leftover ham in my fridge soon aka Easter <3

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