HomeRecipe ReviewIrish Parliament Bean Soup ~ Vintage Recipe


Irish Parliament Bean Soup ~ Vintage Recipe — 26 Comments

  1. How did you alter with the crock pot times? Did I put it on high for an hour and a half then add veggies and put on low? How long did you let it simmer after that?

  2. Hi Melissa,
    Since my crock pot doesn’t heat as fast as the stove top, I had to allow a longer time in the crock pot. High for an hour and half was pretty close to having the beans tender, so I added the other veggies then. I would suggest watching the beans a bit closer than the clock, tho. If they get to the point where you can smash them with a spoon and very little force, they’re ready for the rest of the veggies. After putting in the carrots, celery and onions, I kept the crock pot on low for another few hours. Again, I used the spoon/fork test to check for done-ness of the veggies. I like to simmer on a low heat for awhile to allow all the flavors to blend.

    Thanks for asking me to clarify!

    ps – make sure you are making the correct quantity to feed your crowd, this recipe makes a huge amount of beans and I’d recommend cutting the amounts in half.

  3. 5 stars
    I love white bean soups…and I especially love using ham in them. This looks so comforting and delicious today. Bookmarking for later…thanks for the recipe inspiration 🙂

    • Hi Cathleen, do you still have that Easter ham bone? This is a great way to use that!
      Just make sure you use the “for family” recipe … or you’ll have soup coming out of your ears!

  4. 5 stars
    This is my favorite soup recipe!! I used to work at a hospital that served this every Thursday. I have a leftover ham bone from Easter and I’ll be making a batch of this soup!

  5. Hi, I actually at the real McCoy at Meg O’Malley’s just today. It was absolutely delicious. Still just .18¢ for a cup. I ate way too much food today, I’m going to have to lay down for a nap now. Thanks for the recipe!

  6. 4 stars
    No quite but good. I lived in downtown Mel for 20yr and while this was very good, it misses the mark.
    The basic recipe may tell you to cook it for such and such a time but Megs bean soup sits and simmers for hours.
    You can’t see a pieces of vegetables as in your picture. Everything is melded together

    • 5 stars
      Hi, I am from Melbourne, Florida and Meg O’Malley is one of our families favorite restaurants. We were just there 2 nights ago.
      Each time we go everyone gets a cup of this soup. For .18 you can’t go wrong.
      However, I have been making my own version of it for over 40 years. Here are the things I do.
      Instead of water I use the same amount of chicken stock. I also use smoked ham hocks instead of just a ham bone.

      This recipe is actually very old. From a time when all your meats were smoked to preserve them. I also cook this on the stovetop in a large cast iron pot or a pot with a bottom. You need it to boil for approx 10 to 20 minutes then bring the temp down to simmer. It needs to thicken. It shouldn’t be like a consomme. You can also help it along by slightly mashing your beans when they are soft. If you have done it correctly you will not see the carrots or celery any longer. By this stage they should have incorporated and broken down. Leaving you with a thicker broth.
      This soup is versatileal so you can change up. I have used shredded chicken in replace of the ham. Also, I have added a small can of whole tomatoes to the pot.

      • Hi Paula! I’m also from Melbourne and love Meg o malleys soup, I never tried to make it at home though. Can you post how you make it being a native?

        • 5 stars
          Hi Jessica, I am starting a pot this morning. I soaked 1lb of beans overnight. This morning I drained and rinsed them. Put them in my large stock pot with a thick heavy bottom.
          I add what ever meat I am going to use. This morning I am using smoked neck bones.
          I added one bay leaf, about a tsp of dried thyme, 3 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste.
          Then I add enough chicken broth to go about 2 inches over the beans. Bring it to a quick boil for 5 to 10 minutes and then I lower to med to low heat. Stir from time to time.
          Now, you may need to add more broth or water to it as it cooks. Depends on how low it gets.
          When the beans are soft add your veggies. When they are soft I mash them down with some of the beans. This will thicken the liquid.
          Taste it and add what is needed like salt and pepper. I have also added a small can of whole canned Italian tomatoes. It’s done when the beans and veggies are soft and the broth has become thicker and the taste is how you want it.

  7. 5 stars
    I’m so glad I came across this recipe. I live in Melbourne well actually I live in Palm Bay but most of our activities, we live in Melbourne anyway I was just sharing our experience the last time we went to Meg O’Malley‘s, because it’s our favorite place and when we go there, it’s our tradition you have to get the bean soup especially since it’s only $.19 a Cup. My sister lives in Oregon and whenever she comes to visit something that we always take company as a wonderful experience. The prices are great in the atmosphere is wonderful. Make sure you always take friends and share your photos. if you ever go back again, make sure you try their trio where you get shepherds, pie pot, pie and bangers plus you get one of their wonderful rules which is My Husband‘s favorite meal request. I always get their Irish stew. Our meal is usually under $30 for both of us, including the Parliament soup in a cup have a blessed week !

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