HomeHints and TipsHow to Transport Your Crock Pot


How to Transport Your Crock Pot — 29 Comments

  1. Thank you! I really appreciate this helpful article! I know most people have up to date crock pots with all kinds of handy travel aids built in – but I don’t have one yet and I need to bring a huge batch of chili to a family memorial gathering for the loss of a dear one. So many other things going on and then thinking how am I going to get it there (that morning!) So you saved me, and reaffirmed some ideas I had as well. It’s so nice to find some down to earth practical thinking in this world! (thanks for the tip on the reason for the short cord – I was doing a little muttering while trying to find a place to fit my pot near an outlet!)

    • Betsy, my condolences to the family. Thank you for helping them through this difficult time. You’re welcome for the tips. I have several crock pots in all varieties and have learned to transport them through trial and error.

    • You’re welcome! I find in my latest job, I don’t take mine to work as often as I had in the past … but it’s always amazed me how often I wanted to carry it along.

  2. About ten years ago, I was carrying our slow cooker out to the car when I tripped, lost my balance and ended up with a 5 quarts of chili and shards of slow cooker scattered halfway across the driveway. Boy, did I ever learned my lesson! Needless to say, I now have a carrying bag and a slow cooker with a lid that locks down.

    • Oh Renee … I don’t know what’s worse … broken slow cooker or chili in the driveway. What a horrible moment.
      I’m glad you’ve gotten a better carry arrangement and aren’t going to repeat that fall!

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