HomeHints and TipsHow to Make a Grocery List


How to Make a Grocery List — 12 Comments

  1. This is a great post, I always forget to put something on my list and sometimes I even forget the list. I think we should put our heads together and I can design a printable list for my etsy shop that would be helpful for others with one side being meal planning and one side being a grocery list.

  2. Lists are so important! I just always forget them :/ ..
    Shopping for food isn’t exactly my favorite..unless I’m hungry! Then bring on all the binge spending!

    Thanks for linking up!

    • Audrey, check back … I’ve found a simple way to figure out menus … and deal with the frustrations of family members who don’t care as long as they get something to eat.

  3. Hubby and I keep one running on our fridge. I know I should make menus, but it is only the 2 of us, so I stock the fridge and freezer (as well as the pantry) and wing it most nights, but cook big meals on weekends to freeze. I find a list keeps me from buying stuff I don’t need.

    • Winnie,
      We do too! That’s how I know what staples we need … when something runs out, it goes on the list!

      Good point about a list helping to keep you on track.

  4. I used to dream about the day I’d shop for myself and my family (going to the grocery store seems like the most grown up thing when you’re 12).
    Now I’ve become a rabid list maker who leaves the actual shopping up to my husband.

    • Oh, Joanne, I had those same dreams. You can imagine how important I felt when my mom started giving the list and money to my sister and I. When we were in high school she began sending us to the store. She said it was because she was working and it helped us all manage the time. Now she’s like you and sends my dad. I’ve finally figured out that she just doesn’t like going to the grocery! lol

    • Eleise, sometimes we all need a little reminder about the basic things.

      I keep a daily planner on the table where I can see it all the time – I make notes in it about things I need to do every day of the week.

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